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Sailing Weather World Wide

Here you will find Sailing Weather and weather-maps World Wide Simply zoom in and out, or shift the weather map to land in the desired area. On the symbol at the top right, you can choose between medium wind, gusts, wind accumulation, rain, thunder, lightning, temperature, clouds, waves hights, swells hights, wave and swell directions, skyes, rain radar, and under several layers, you can switch between even more. You can also add your own wind gauges on a chosen spot and se how the wind speed will change. Simply one of the best weather forecasts for sailors and if you want to look even more detailed in your desired area, then click on the following link

The above weather maps is provided to in partnership with  which are probably one of the best online weather services on the market for the sailing people. The weather forecast for the version shown on comes from the European Common Weather Service Center ECMWF. If you want to see weather forecasts from other weather service centers, you can switch between ECMWF, GFS, ICON-EU, ICON and in some cases also local weather services with weather at sea on

We also recommend PredictWind for trip planning and along the way, especially for long-distance sailors, as you can download grip files with current weather forecasts for selected areas via satellite receiver. You can enter start and finish and get 4 suggestions for optimal routes, see varied weather conditions along the way and expected arrival time based on your own ship's performance / speed polar diagrams. Thus, PredictWind is one of the most powerful online and offline tools for safe sailing with a myriad of features in the paid pro version. Among other things, you can click on points on the routes and get information about wind, gusts, wave heights and current directions at the time you expect to be there. You can also see it all set up in schedules and graphs and you can even let 6 boats sail races on the 6 suggestions for optimal route and thus compare which is the fastest and which is the most comfortable.

Sailing weater in Scandinavia, Great Britain, Meditereanean Sea, The Canaries, Caribian Sea, Mexican Gulf and many other places.